WEIGHT GAIN AND JOINT STIFFNESS ARE AMONG THE COMMON AILMENTS OF THOSE WHO SIT FOR LARGE PORTIONS OF THE DAY. And, as we do more with our brains and less with our bodies, psychological stress is creeping in and increasing anxiety and depression. Moreover, this is not only a personal issue, but a global one. In Canada alone, it’s estimated that work stress-related illness and injuries cost the economy at least CA$2.75 billion.
So, how do we continue using the technology that helps us rule the world without stressing our minds or bodies? The answer is low-tech and high success – in office massages. Proven to reduce stress and anxiety, in-office massages are ideal for helping employees relax and recharge without taking off time from work.


With many modern employees looking for a company culture that provides benefits outside of just a paycheck, in-office massages can go a long way to attracting the best and brightest staff members. Along with beefing up your company’s attractiveness to great workers, in-office massages also offer these benefits:

• Reduction of anxiety, depression and stress
• Improved employee morale and satisfaction
• Cost savings over off -campus massage
• Increased productivity

While some companies do allow employees to take time out of the day to book a massage appointment outside the office, this has several disadvantages. Not only will an employee lose anywhere from a half hour to two hours just on a round trip commute to the appointment, they are likely to battle traffic and other stressors on the way, effectively reducing the benefits of the treatment. This also costs the company far more than if they paid for a massage service to come in.


Canadian based company, Clik Benefits, solves this with their innovative service which brings registered massage therapy right to your door. Extremely easy to set up in any office, Clik Benefits helps promote corporate well-being for a minimal cost and maximum results.

Clik’s commitment to improving the workplace by reducing stress has led them to create a streamlined process that ensures their team handles set-up, scheduling, payment, evaluation and administration. This allows companies to provide an excellent service to their employees with minimal time or cost investment.


Popularity of in-office massages is gaining ground with several medium to large companies taking advantage of the many benefits, including CompuVision who has been a leader in the in-office massage movement. As a progressive tech company, CompuVision focuses on the health and well-being of their employees and offering bi-weekly massages from Clik is one of the many ways they keep employees feeling their best. However, this is about more than just keeping the workforce from self-medicating with over the counter pain pills to reduce back pain. By providing stress-relieving services like massage, CompuVision is also increasing company loyalty and job satisfaction which, in turn, gains them employees who are able to focus on productivity and not their stress-related pain or discomfort. In short, a relaxed employee is a productive employee.


With many computer desk for upwards of 6 hours a day at work, it’s no surprise that “humpbacks” are becoming as common in the office as they are in the North Atlantic Ocean. While our backs are suffering, this is far from the only ailment we get from sedentary work lives. Practical In-Office Massage Solutions Would you get a massage at work? If this sounds like an ideal use of your lunch break, Clik makes it easy with their worry-free set up. To learn more about their services, visitwww.clikbenefits.com. Reach them directly by emailinggray@clikbenefits.comor calling 1-833-TRY-CLIK.

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